3DS gets official headset … because it needed that

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In what may be the most pointless peripheral a Nintendo system has ever had (and that includes Wii Speak), an official headset for the 3DS has been revealed. 

Designed by PowerA and licensed by Nintendo, the headset comes with an in-line volume control, buttons for music selection, and full voice chat support. It’s slated for a November 4 release in Europe, where it will cost £24.99. There’s no North American date yet, but $29.99 is the expected price. 

Considering not even Nintendo can be bothered to put online functionality in games that are screaming for online functionality, I can’t think of a more useless product. Still, if you’re a dribbling idiot, here’s something for you to get tricked into buying. 

Officially Licensed 3DS Headset Revealed, Priced and Dated [Nintendo Life, thanks de5gravity]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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