L.A. Noire has sold 58% of its British copies on Xbox 360, as opposed to 42% on PS3, according to Chart Track. Although the sales figures are quite even — moreso than Brink‘s 69% landslide — it would seem that the addition of extra content on the PS3 version was not enough to give L.A. Noire an edge.
One would think that with a single Blu-ray disc compared to the Xbox 360’s three, and the extra content, the numbers would at least be reversed in the PS3’s favor. Apparently not.
Batman: Arkham Asylum‘s exclusive Joker levels gave the PS3 version a sales boost over the 360, but apparently that didn’t work out in this case. The obvious issue here is that The Joker needs to come to L.A. Noire. Make it so, Team Bondi!