Welcome to another exciting edition of Team Fortress 2sdays!
Every Tuesday, a bunch of us Dtoiders hop online and play Team Fortress 2 on the official Destructoid server; you should join us!
The only thing is… is anybody actually playing tonight?
Here’s tonight’s schedule:
Port: 27015
Early Match
Time: 8 PM EST
Late Match
Time: 12 AM EST
Badwater Basin (PL)
Barnblitz (PL)
Frontier (PL)
Gold Rush (PL)
Hoodoo (PL)
Thunder Mountain (PL)
Upward (PL)
Note: Due to its overwhelming popularity, we’re doing an all-Payload run again tonight! (I promise we’ll change it up next week for those of you who hate the mode!)
Also, we’d love to recap this week’s events during next week’s post, so take lots of screenshots and email them to andydixon[@]destructoid.com! Thanks to Swishiee and tekbunny for providing this week’s pics!
We’ll see you online!