UK tabloid The Sun has claimed that “hundreds” of gamers are “slamming” Nintendo for causing a wave of dizziness with their new 3DS system. Nintendo UK says it hasn’t received a single complaint. That’s weird, because The Sun has never grossly embellished a story before. Oh wait, yes it has.
“Hundreds of furious gamers have slammed Nintendo’s new 3DS console — for making them feel ill,” claims the publication. “Fans besieged gadget websites and Twitter to complain of dizziness, headaches and sickness after playing the hand-held device for just a few minutes. Some even reported seeing web pages in 3D after switching from the console to a PC.”
Nintendo, however, paints a different story: We’ve had zero calls on this issue in both the UK and across Europe since Nintendo 3DS launch. Each person is different and therefore we advise consumers that when using their Nintendo 3DS, they need to find the distance and angle that is most comfortable for them, and use the built-in depth slider to select the level of 3D they enjoy the most. The 3D effect can be scaled back or even turned off completely.”
If there’s a choice between The Sun exaggerating and the The Sun not exaggerating, I’m going to always go with the former. It’s simply what they do. That said, there’s no doubt some issues exist, and I actually can confirm I’ve had the “Seeing websites in 3D” thing after using my 3DS. Not that I think the issues are half as bad as The Sun makes out, for it is The Sun, and not to be trusted.
‘Zero calls’ about 3DS dizziness at Nintendo UK [MCV] [Image]