Thanks to the Destructoid community blogs, I now cannot look at this formerly beautiful screenshot of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim without seeing a terrible truth. That truth is the unquestionable penisfinger standing proud on the end of that mage’s hand.
What’s worse is that it’s one of those gnarled, crooked, gross looking penises. The kind that you’d imagine Gary Busey has. If you look at it as long and intensely as I have, you’ll notice the whole hand seems to suffer from withered penisflesh syndrome, which is something I can no longer scour from my mind.
The only way to cope is to make all of you see it, too. In fact, look below for some images that prove Elder Scrolls V is all about the penisfinger.
This is the power Kirby gains after swallowing Gary Busey. GAZE UPON HIS STRENGTH AND WEEP!
Heavy Rain finally gets a plot twist that makes sense!
Ekans is too late to warn his friend.
Denis Dyack, thinking about Denis Dyack.