What are you the most excited for at this year’s E3?

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Every year, E3 rolls in surrounded by a sea of hype and anticipation. Sometimes, this hype is surpassed with giant waves of unexpected news and announcements. Other times, the show ends in disappointment, as many of the new games and exciting reveals are anything but.

It is too early to predict what side this E3 will eventually fall on, but, with only a few weeks until the big show, one thing is certain: There is a lot to be excited about.

But what are you the most excited for? For me, it has to be the Wii U. I just love new console reveals and truly can’t wait to get my hands on that thing. (Plus, Mario in HD!) More specifically, I am also excited about The Last of Us, hopefully some new (playable?) footage of The Last Guardian, and, my personal loves, Pikmin 3 and the new Paper Mario for the 3DS.

Keep reading to find out what some of the other Destructoid editors are excited about, and then hit the comments to let us know what you think. What is the one thing you can’t wait to hear more about at this year’s E3? Is there a specific game? A new console? An announcement that is not official but you feel may be coming? Let us know!


Would you like a long, detailed explanation of why I will cream my jeans over anything Beyond Good & Evil 2 related, or should I just leave it at that image?


The Last of Us.

That’s it. Jaded.


All I really want out of E3 this year is for Nintendo to blow us away with their online strategy.

I want games to be linked to accounts, and possibly some sort of cloud based service on offer. I want full confirmation of how a friends list will work, and possibly some Wii U online details. It would be nice if they possibly acknowledged their inability to address a proper digital storefront on the Wii, how they fixed it on the 3DS’s eShop, and how they plan on fixing it even further for the Wii U. If they somehow offer a WiiWare/Wii VC transfer deal like they did for the DSi to 3DS, I’ll also be pretty happy.


Any flicker or glimpse of next-next gen.


I’m curious about this action-adventure game Harmonix is making. Maybe they won’t unveil at show, though.

I’m also curious about Retro’s next game. I wonder what Nintendo franchise they’ll take a stab at next? I predict a Star Fox Wii U reboot that will blow people away.

Other than that, I’m excited to hang out with everyone from Destructoid!


To get my hands on all the first-person shooters. Apparently I was the very first person to RSVP to the Halo 4 special event. I don’t know if I should be proud of that or not.


Oddly enough, I’m actually excited about seeing Nintendo’s conference. Not that I’m a fan of what everyone already expects of them (fuck no), but I actually want them to present something that makes me say, “Alright, that’s pretty cool. I’ll give them that one.” Something that actually attracts me as a hardcore gamer, and not the “Nintendo fan” that I haven’t been since I was 13. I didn’t even bother looking at the Wii U last E3. Did not give a single fuck.

I actually miss owning their hardware, though. And while I’d own mainly hardcore games on it, it’s nice to have that variety and potential of all three consoles. After an entire generation of offering absolutely no incentive for me to buy their stuff, it’d be nice if they suddenly stated, “Oh, by the way, we’re partnering up with [Big AAA Publisher] to provide exclusive, hardcore titles not seen anywhere else!” I’d shit my pants and throw my money at them.

I mean, I know that probably won’t happen. Nintendo has had entire conferences where they didn’t show a single bit of software, after all, but I like being proven wrong … in that pleasant way where I still get something nice out of my misjudgement.


It would be great if Sony came out and showed a nice, long gameplay demo of The Last Guardian, and followed that up by announcing a concrete release date. And preferably, that release date would be sometime in 2012.

A man can dream, can’t he?


It sounds like a lot of people are excited to see what Nintendo is up to! I am as well, but I could care less about “online strategies” or “hardcore partnerships”. What I care about is the videogames.

Yes, it is the videogames that I like the most.

This is first year in a while that Nintendo has something to prove on all fronts, and that need to act could lead to great things. Both the 3DS and the Wii U really need to really come out with guns blazing, and Nintendo knows it. This is not a year where they can rest on their past successes. Seeing that they’ve already announced Pikmin 3 and a new 2D Mario game, I’m feeling pretty confident that they are in the right mindset to show Nintendo fans what they want to see.

Not to be rude, but if you’re not a Nintendo fan, I’m not sure why you’d want Nintendo to start trying to cater to your tastes all of a sudden. To have the company start to conform to the styles of other developers would only work to make the world of videogames less interesting. I won’t be watching the Microsoft presentation hoping to see a new old-school platformer or a lighthearted exercise in expert game design, so I don’t see why you’d want to check out Nintendo’s press conference for the potential “hardcore-ness”.

Besides, the last time Nintendo announced a “hardcore AAA exclusive”, it was Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. Great game, but no one bought it. Not sure if that’s a road that anyone would want to go down again. I’d love to be proven wrong on that though!

As for new games. hoping to see some of Killer is Dead, Nicalis’s 3DS/Wii U project, Playstation All-Stars, Dragon Quest X, Team Meat’s new game, Resident Evil 6, Code of Princess, Bit. Trip Presents: Runner 2, Adventure Time: Hey Ice King!, Fatal Frame 2, The Last Guardian, The Last of Us, and The Last Story.

Whoa, that’s a lot of “lasts” this year!

Also really hoping Capcom announces a new Mega Man game and that it doesn’t look awful. A new Darkstalkers title would be nice surprise as well.

Besides games, I’m just excited to see my Dtoid family and my game developer acquaintances/heroes again this year. There is never enough time at E3, but I hope to make the most of the time that I have.


I don’t have anything I’m excited for, but I don’t really function that way. Watching everybody else get hyped up for games and then have them fail to meet their expectations over the years has made me far more measured when it comes to my own anticipation level, lest I suffer a similar fate. No, excitement happens in the moment, whether it’s witnessing the rapid-fire information dump of the press conferences or wandering the floor and discovering an approach to a game problem I haven’t seen attempted before.

And that’s what I’m actually looking forward to, being excited. E3 is raw spectacle and energy and you can’t help but get a little on you.


I’m with Conrad. There isn’t anything specific I’m super excited for, because the games they show are usually along the lines of “like that one game you like, but different.” The last E3s were only really fun to watch unfold from home when something went hilariously disastrous, such as the Konami press conference of E3 2010, or Ubisoft’s press conference with the laser tag nonsense.

Having said that, if they show a new Deus Ex game, a new big budget space combat game like TIE Fighter or Freespace 2, or a submarine-based underwater action-adventure where you crew a ship I-War style with a Hunt for Red October mission, I’ll lose my shit.



Now it’s your turn. What are you the most excited for at this year’s E3? TO THE COMMENTS!

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Chad Concelmo
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