A new “behind-the-scenes” video for Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two, featuring Warren Spector and other members of the Junction Point team, as they discuss some of the new features which have been implemented in the game. Topics include co-op gameplay with Oswald the Rabbit and improvements to the oft-maligned camera from the first game.
And then they refer to the Xbox 360 and PS3 as being “Next Gen” consoles. Now, I don’t want to be some nitpicking, mega-dork who sneers and sniggers over the use of the term. I’m sure that the audience for Epic Mickey is chock full of people who have no idea what that term might mean to us as game enthusiasts and have no real need to know; if it sounds cool, that should be good enough. That said, I think I can be forgiven for a little knee jerk reaction.