So I’m sure most of you by now will have heard of Capcom’s upcoming Western/Eastern-Skyrim–Monster Hunter–Dark Souls-inspired-medieval-monster-slaying-epic that is Dragon’s Dogma, which is exactly one week from now. If by any chance, you’ve been living under a rock — or not checking out Dtoid regularly — our corgi lover leader Dale had an interview with producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi at SDCC last year, and recently gave us a wonderfully extensive preview of the game, whilst Jim gave his trademark Jimpressions on the demo around the same time. Both were mightily impressed – particularly Dale – though recent revelations and decisions regarding Capcom DLC have left a sour taste in the consumers’ mouths yet again.
For those wondering what on earth these Japanese devs are saying, don’t worry as it’s mostly all things Dale has already covered. The dragon rips out the protagonist’s heart. Rather than dying, it just so happens that he is “the Arisen” – the enlightened one destined to slay the dragon. “Pawns” then appear out of nowhere, who exist to serve and help him in the quest to defeat the dragon and get his heart back.
There were small snippets of new info on plot points, such as finding out why these pawns exist and why they obey “the Arisen.” The developers also describe having a strong desire to build a game where these pawns would appear very human and be genuine in wanting to help while allowing you to build them however you please, turning them into the rays of hope necessary to overcome all adversity that lies before you.
The rest of the spiel talks about the abilities of the pawns. They can be your partners in battle, employing battle tactics and saving you from death, whilst able to acquire vital information for you. Depending on what party you choose, battles will operate differently, offering many new possibilities and experiences. Furthermore, with the help of the Rift system whereby online players can borrow your Pawn and take them along on their quests, the developers revels on the prospects of allowing you to utilise the Pawn’s personal experiences when they come back to aid you further. For them, all the quest knowledge, battle knowledge, and offering advice on playing, adds to the possible adventure experiences on offer, and adds value to the game as a whole.
So, with just over a week to go, who’s up for some more monster slaying? Or has the ever-present DLC debacle turned you all away from this potential beast of a game? Also, anyone getting it for the Resident Evil 6 demo at all? After all, I know a few people who only bought Ninja Gaiden 3 for the Dead or Alive 5 demo.
カプコン、PS3/Xbox 360「ドラゴンズドグマ」メイキング映像第2弾を公開 [GAME Watch]