The perfect evening attire for your Baby Blue Bomber

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Gamer parents who were born in the 70s and 80s are continuously discovering new ways to introduce their offspring to the hobby. Best to hook ’em while they’re young, I always say! And what better way to instill an affinity for a darling of the digital domain than by dressing your infant up as said character?

Over on Knitwit Knits’ Etsy shop, you can purchase a hand-knit Mega Man suit for your newborn babe. The complete outfit, which is available in 0-6 month and 6-12 month sizes, is made entirely out of yarn and includes a helmet, arm warmers, booties, and a diaper cover. Each suit is customized to order, so if you don’t want Mega’s standard blue-and-cyan scheme, you can choose a different color pair. If you want your baby to be packing Metal Blades, better request a brown-and-yellow combo!

The whole ensemble will set you back $83, but that’s chump change compared to all the lives your child will save when he grows older!

Custom Knit Baby Megaman suit [Etsy via Protodude’s Rockman Corner]

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Tony Ponce
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