EA attempting to shed that sequelitis whore image

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In an interview with Gamesindustry.biz, EA Senior VP and Chief Visual Officer Glenn Entis has confessed that new IPs and fresh perspectives are the way of the publishing giant’s future. So sayseth the man:

“What people are seeing as a change from EA is not a completely new direction. We’re taking something we’ve always done, which is to create new titles, but we’re saying we really want to pick up the pace now, we want to be more energetic at that – and we’re willing to take more creative risks to do that.”

Entis conceded that a few years ago, EA was afraid of taking risks with games if they weren’t sure of the outcome – but, he went on, “We’re more willing right now to bet on really talented developers and say, ‘Okay, this is new and we can see there are real risks, but we believe in the people their passion about it.’

“One thing we’ve realised as a company is that game developers are happier, more inspired, and seem to be drawing in more talent when we’re doing the exciting, creative work. It’s simple – people want to be proud of the work they do.”

Needless to say, we’ll be believe it when we see it. What do you think? Can EA shed years of dickwad effort with a few new, interesting games? Army of Two and Spore is a nice start, as we’ve seen, and the industry certainly needs a financial powerhouse like EA to take some much-needed risk.

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Robert Summa
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