Criterion Games is bringing back speed and high-stakes action in their upcoming reboot of Need for Speed: Most Wanted. The scenic vistas and sun-soaked highways return with more destructible items and explosions then before. The big addition that Criterion is toting this time around is the large open-world environment for players to explore. Your knowledge of the back alleys and side streets around the city will give you the competitive edge to take on challengers from all around the world.
Autolog returns as well, with new features such as customizing its recommendations to help you better defeat your rivals. On top of broadcasting new scores and times to your friends around the world, it will also push the player towards new challenges and competitors. Every race that you finish, every challenge you complete, and every rival you take down will gain you Speed Points that will boost your Most Wanted ranking.
Need for Speed: Most Wanted will be hitting the streets in North America on October 30, 2012, and in Europe on November 1, for PS3, 360, PC, Vita, iOS, and Android.