Does Duke Nukem Forever suck? Download the demo!

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Most critics agree: Duke Nukem Forever sucks. After more than 10 years of waiting, it ain’t all that. Jim Sterling reviewed it for Destructoid and called it a “miserable, lifeless, grotesque little game.”

But who listens to critics? They obviously don’t know what they’re talking about. I mean, they only play and see hundreds of videogames a year, so what do they know? Also, they’re all biased and some are even fat.

You know what they say: opinions are like assholes and reviews are like… descriptions of assholes? I don’t know where I’m going with this. But if you’ve got an Xbox 360 or a capable PC, you can download the demo for Duke Nukem Forever right now and see for yourself. Is “miserable,” “lifeless,” and “grotesque”? You be the judge!

About The Author
Nick Chester
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