Live show: Mash Tactics plays community picks

This article is over 13 years old and may contain outdated information

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[Mash Tactics airs Monday through Friday from 4-8pm Pacific. Join Jon Carnage and Pico Mause as they host a wacky and interactive show on Justin.Tv. Join us for your chance to win prizes, talk to industry guests, and experience jaw-dropping stunts.]

Today on Mash Tactics, we will be showing you live gameplay footage from Borderlands and other multi-player games of the community choice. Are you on the edge of whether or not to pick up a game? Stop by Justin.Tv at 4-8pm Pacific to get a taste of new titles. Follow Mash Tactics on Facebook to vote for which games you would like to see on an upcoming show.

We’re also going to be giving away some really cool Runes of Magic prize packs, featuring a Steel Series headset, mousepad and a bunch of other cool stuff. Tune in to the show to find out how you can win!

Previously on Mash Tactics:

Monday, July 18, 2011

The weekend continued as we pulled out glow-sticks and psychedelic filters.   We tasted the beautiful colors of the recently released title, Child of Eden. This engaging title was only complete after future German Carnage came back in time to teach about music from beyond.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

We threw on the older multi-player title , Borderlands. It was a standard show where carnage was down to his underwear several times. Most of the mods joined in so Carnage was left to fend for himself against a flood of trolls and photos of Lindsey.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

This is a two part episode. The first half was spent with artistic pop icon, Pinky Carnage from Adult Swim‘s, Totally for Teens and You will want to check out the non-conventional two hour interview from Los Angeles, California. The second half was spent with the community in another round of Boarderlands on the PlayStation 3.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

We crawled into eternal Limbo during this episode. We also gave away PSN codes in celebration of Limbo‘s one year anniversary. Carnage did manage to loose his pants before the end of the first half of the show so keep your finger on the window minimizer. Later we trolled each other hard in a round of Borderlands.

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