Winners of The Destructoid Show’s 3DS Destruction Contest

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If you watch The Destructoid Show, you’ll know we’ve been doing a contest to give away three Catalyst 3DS cases, sponsored by the fine folks at CM4. Of course, since we’re a gaggle of idiot children, the contest was “make a picture of the best way to destroy a 3DS.” Psht. And you guys say we’re anti-3DS.

We got some great submissions. Narrowing the winners down to three was tricky, but our winners were Miguel Sosa Barajas (pictured above), Richard Gonzalez, and Zair Salahuddin. The rest of the submissions can be seen in the gallery below. My personal favorites were the one where I was in women’s underwear pretending to be a unicorn, and the one where the overweight woman was eating a cake with a 3DS on it.

(Seriously, it’s writing sentences like those that make me love this job.)

Huge thanks to everyone who participated in this contest, and especially to CM4 for giving us an excuse for a contest. Go buy a case for one of your gizmos. Because of the turnout in this contest, we’ve gotten the ball rolling on more contests for the next few weeks — Contests involving Battlefield 3, Limbo, cool shirts, and a hot date with Tara Long. So stay tuned, and a winner is YOU.

About The Author
Max Scoville
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