“That’s Our Capcom! Coming soon to ABC Family!”
Capcom is notorious for its printing errors and spelling gaffes. If it’s not using watermarked images for its slip covers, it’s failing to run a simple spell check on in-game dialog. But nothing made me chuckle quite like how the official Mega Man 10 homepage used assets from a fan game. Gotta love those amateur web designers who spend five seconds on Google as opposed to taking the time to acquire the official materials from within their own damn company.
Along that line, if you head over to Capcom’s site, click on the Game Catalog tab, and search for Nintendo DS titles, You’ll notice that Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations doesn’t display the correct box art. Instead, it displays a box for something called Trials after Justice, which turns out to be — you guessed it — a fan game!
In the MM10 example, the fan game was at one point also called “Mega Man 10,” so you could give whoever made the goof the benefit of the doubt. But the two Ace Attorney games don’t even have the same friggin’ title! How lazy can you get? And five bucks says that, just like the MM10 case, the AA mistake will never be corrected.
[via NeoGAF]