Ubisoft details Child of Eden PS3’s Move and 3D support

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Ubisoft is talking up the PlayStation 3 version of Child of Eden today, focusing on its Move controller and 3D support.

Set to launch on September 27, Ubisoft calls the game’s Move support “simple and natural.” In a promotional video for the title, the game’s director Tetsuya Mizuguchi shows off how it works, targeting objects and flicking his wrist to fire. Ubisoft also says the game will support the ability to connect multiple controllers for “added sensory effects.” Watch where you put those, buster.

The 3D support is… well, it’s 3D support. Child of Eden‘s visuals were a wild headtrip in 2D, so I can only imagine what full stereoscopic 3D would do to my brain.

I’ve already played and reviewed the game on the Xbox 360, so I’m not jumping at the chance to own it on Sony’s platform. But if you’re in a PS3-only household and you haven’t had a chance to experience it yet, you’ve got a lot to look forward to this September.

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Nick Chester
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