Pok?dex entries must have been written by children

It’s the only explanation that makes sense

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If you’ve ever played a Pokémon game, you’d realize that some of the critters possess rather unbelievable abilities beyond comprehension. I’m not talking about just the legendary Pokémon but also the run-of-the-mill creatures that are analogous to real-world animals.

Of course, we don’t actually see many of these abilities in practice. All this information comes straight from the Pokédex, which claims that Metagross is smarter than a supercomputer, Pidgeot flies at Mach 2 speeds, Magikarp — friggin’ Magikarp — can leap over a mountain, and so on. We take these Pokédex entries at face value without ever asking for the supporting research.

This photo album on Imgur makes a strong case that the Pokédex was written by kids. How else could you explain such outlandish statements if not that they were the exaggerated accounts of excitable children?

[via xaaronh’s Twitter]

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Tony Ponce
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