Spider-Man 3 game site goes live

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Ever get the feeling that you’ve been neglecting your spidey sense for just too long? Yeah, me neither. But hey, if you’re looking for a place to momentarily quench your arachnophilia, today Activision launched the Spider-Man 3 game Web site. Lucky you!

As it stands now the site offers little content to get your web shooting (get it?) aside from a single game trailer, a link to pre-order the game, and a multitude of brushed-metal spider motifs. One feature to take note of is the Spider-Man 3 contest where one gamer will win a trip to the Activision headquarters in Santa Monica, CA, to play an early version of the game.

To get your entry in you have to sign-up to be a “founding member of Spidey’s Web,” which comes off as some cheesy gaming fan club with “cool prizes … and more!” But sometimes it comes down to signing your soul away to the Internet for an advanced ticket to kicking Sandman in the plums. Am I right?

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