Original Sonic game unlockable in Sonic Generations

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At a recent Sonic Generations panel during Paris Games Week, Sonic Team’s Takashi Iizuka revealed that the original Sonic the Hedgehog will be available in the upcoming nostalgic platformer as a full unlockable game. 

Sonic Team also showed off the game’s level hub, which is a scrolling selection of doors containing levels and littered with Sonic’s furry friends. Don’t worry — their inclusion seems minimal and not too horrific. 

Sonic 1 is a cool bonus but it’s a shame they couldn’t include all the Genesis titles. Of course, by “couldn’t” I mean “didn’t want to” because SEGA could easily have tossed those in, the cheeky bastards.  

[Thanks Isshak!]

[Edit: Jesus fucking Christ that last paragraph was a flippant remark and not intended as a slamming indictment against Sega for fuck’s cunting sake.]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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