‘More crazy than Limbo,’ Playdead speaks on ‘project two’

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Playdead’s premiere title Limbo was one of a world engulfed in darkness and monochrome obscurity, where behind each corner almost certain death would be waiting for the protagonist. Along with its tight controls and striking art style, Playdead made Limbo into one of the most highlighted downloadable games of 2010. It looks like the studio is going to try and outdo the strangeness of Limbo with its next game, known only as “project two.”

Playdead founder Dino Patti spoke up to Eurogamer about the current title in development and has declared that it will be “more crazy than Limbo, if you say that’s crazy. It’s more weird in many ways.” 

During the Nottingham GameCity6 festival, Patti shared that the game will include a color palette larger than that of a 2B pencil, that it’ll be running on the Unity engine, and that Playdead will be striving for a simultaneous multiplatform release. 

“We are aiming to go as wide as possible. At this point it’s hard to promise, because I don’t know what consoles there will be or what deals. It went really well on XBLA. I’m really happy with those guys. But it also went really well on PlayStation.”

As for any other details, Patti has refused to reveal anything more about the game until a month before it’s release. The reason for this self-imposed gag order is Patti’s frustration over the time gamers must endure from a title’s announcement to its eventual release. “…our production time is long, so we don’t want to tire people out. I hate when big publishers show something one or two years before the launch.”

Whatever the title will be, I can’t wait to play it. Limbo was one of my favorite downloadable games that I played in 2010, and if this one is planning to be even weirder and crazier, then it’s time to dig out that art house scarf and ponder some symbolism.

Playdead’s secret “project two” is “more weird” then Limbo [Eurogamer]

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Jason Cabral
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