Destructoid’s channel is committed to bringing lots of great gaming-related entertainment even during the weekends. From playing games on the stream, to discussing them in a talk show format, we bring a wide range of entertainment with that unique Dtoid flavor.
On Halloween our Twitch TV channel finally surpassed 10,000 followers! In celebration, I have vowed to do something on Also, Talks that is oft requested: I’m going to play a videogame. I’ll be streaming myself playing The Binding of Isaac for the duration of the show.
Saturday Morning Hangover with Conrad Zimmerman and Jordan Devore airs from 10:00am to 12:00pm Pacific. Come watch as they play the latest Xbox Live Indie Games demos for your enjoyment, and revel in the beauty of Conrad’s mustache!
Chill with Phil is a relaxed gaming show hosted by community member, and video game connoisseur, Philanthr0py. This Saturday at 4:00pm Pacific, Phil is picking up some 5.56ers and Pineapples and continuing his road to MGS: HD Collection with the original Metal Gear Solid on PlayStation.
321Go Cast is Destructoid’s only live show/podcast hybrid airing on Sunday, from 2:00-4:00pm Pacific starring JohnnyViral, Jesse Cortez, Pangloss, and Ryu89. The crew is sure to be arguing over videogames, Doctor Who, and the gaming news of the day.
Destructoid’s live community talk show, Also, Talks, starring Bill Zoeker and Johnnyluchador is committed to bringing interesting conversations about videogames, Destructoid, and random nonsense on Sunday at 4:00pm Pacific. This week, I will be playing Team Meat’s Binding of Isaac. People have regularly asked, “Why don’t you play games on this show?” To which I have always replied, “It’s a talk show!” Well now I’m breaking my oath in honor of our 10,000 followers.
Catch these shows and more on!