New registered domains point to ‘PlayStation Cloud’

Information references Gaikai

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The Future of PlayStation event is still one day away, but it seems as if the rumor of game streaming may very well be true. The domains “,” “,” and “” were registered recently and have Gaikai Inc, the streaming service that Sony bought, as the “registrant contact.” 

Though this is pretty strong evidence, we will likely know tomorrow if all of these leaks and rumors hold any water. What I really want to know is if Sony will implement a system that doesn’t force me to buy the PS3 games I already own in order to stream them to a PS4. I doubt it, but a man can dream, can’t he?

@supperannuation [Twitter via NeoGAF]

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Patrick Hancock
During the day, he teaches high school kids about history. At night he kicks their butts in competitive games like Rocket League, Dota 2, Overwatch, and Counter-Strike. Disclosure: I've personally backed Double Fine Adventure, Wasteland 2, Dead State, SPORTSFRIENDS, Torment: Tides of Numera, STRAFE, and The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls. I have previously written for and continue to support them whenever possible (like HumbleBundle).
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