Gurumin for PSP in short supply, but Mastiff Games will help

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Apparently action-RPG Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure for PSP has been in demand — so much so, in fact, that publisher Mastiff Games decided they had to take action. If you can’t find a copy of the popular game, you can shoot an email to FINDGURUMIN@MASTIFF-GAMES.COM and Mastiff will find a way to solve your problem. Since I haven’t gotten a copy for myself yet (or for that matter, the PSP needed to play it), I may end up using that magical little email address myself. So why are people clamoring for this game, anyway?

Well, I played it at GDC at the Sony booth and it definitely caught my eye. It has the classic Japanese adventure feel with hyper cute characters and graphics, and since the PSP has been generally short on RPGs, this one may tide us all over until Crisis Core makes its mighty appearance. It may be of interest to some female players that the main character is female, which you don’t get a lot of in RPGs. Personally, I couldn’t tell as I thought everyone from Japan was asexual anyway.

About The Author
Colette Bennett
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