Cooking Mama for the Wii: Hey my Wii still works!

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If you’re like me, and hey, I know you are, then you probably haven’t turned on your Wii in a loooooong time (by long time I mean a couple months). Know what got me to turn this white piece of plastic back on? Cooking Mama: Cook Off. Now, I’m comfortable enough with my heterosexuality to admit that, damn, this game is actually pretty fun. And, it’s the kind of game that makes the Wii worthwhile — if there is such a thing.

I won’t go into some long review for the game, because frankly we at Destructoid have protocols for such things. I just wanted to chime in and say, “hey, this alleged Wii hater is actually enjoying this game and if you own a Wii and got nothing to do, you might too!” And, just like Wii Sports, it’s almost essential you have someone to play this game with. Trash talking while trying to cook has never felt so rewarding. There, I feel better now. 

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Robert Summa
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