Eddie Lebron and Blue Core Studios have been hard at work on that Sonic film starring Urkel. In their downtime, they whipped up a side Street Fighter film starring Chun-Li and Cammy doing kicks and punches and all that jazz. Ya know, girl talk.
Technically, the video is impressive for such a quick project. But I have comment on the girls’ fighting prowess. I see they are skilled, but… like… when Chun-Li keeps throwing up the “Please don’t hit me!” defense guard, it takes me out of the fight, ya feel me? Also, neither of them would get far in a round of Punch-Out!!, I’ll tell you that much.
Still, pay close attention to the announcer. That’s James Rolfe, a.k.a. the Angry Video Game Nerd. Knowing it’s him makes me less bothered that he pronounced “Sagat” as you would say it in “Bob Saget.”
Chun Li vs Cammy Fan Film Fight! [ScrewAttack]