Monday Mind Teasers: The Guardian

A short Shadow of the Colossus pixel art homage game

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It’s a little too short, a little too simple, a little tedious, and doesn’t have enough music, but that’s still not stopping me from declaring that The Guardian on Newgrounds is one of the best simple pixel art games I’ve ever played. Those who despise artsy games can go ahead and skip this week’s mind teaser, but I still say you’d be missing out.

The graphics and gameplay are spot on, and this is a Shadow of the Colossus homage that’s the perfect blend of simplicity, much like the PS2 game it’s paying respect to. I actually do enjoy its odd pacing since big adventures can’t be quick by their very nature, and Colossus definitely understood that and didn’t shy from it even though they knew some would call it a flaw, yet part of me can’t help wishing the creator of this flash game would go back and remake it into a longer story with more places and events to visit and interact with.

What do you think? Just the right balance and you wouldn’t change a thing? Or a good game that could be legendary if it was expanded and revised?

Last Week: Huebrix!

About The Author
Tom Fronczak
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