Like many of you on the East coast, I had the privilege of seeing “Take Back the Earth” Mass Effect 3 trailer during tonight’s new episode of the Walking Dead on AMC. I was watching the show with my significant other, and because I love talking to her about videogames, I asked her what she thought.
I believe her exact quote was, “It looks another lasers, glowing robots, imitation Star Wars spaceships, being in a war, shooting at the things that don’t look like people game. I don’t know why they’re running this commercial in the middle of an overly chatty, generally slow paced zombie apocalypse show.”
I have to agree with her there. Though there are plenty of videogames about living through a zombie infested nightmare, few of them take the same slow based, character study focused approach that the Walking Dead does (except The Walking Dead game, naturally). If EA wanted to make a Mass Effect 3 trailer that would appeal to The Walking Dead’s audience, I figure they should have shown off more of the inter-party drama and angst-ridden moral dilemmas, and less of the “videogame-y” looking stuff.
I have no doubt that Mass Effect 3 will do great with current fans of the franchise, but is this the kind trailer that gets outsiders interested in starting off on the series?