Gaijin says kill Mega Man but give Revengeance a chance

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Last week’s Sup Holmes? was full of surprises. Our guests, Mike Roush and Alex Neuse from Gaijin Games were so overflowing with artistic integrity that it was actually leaking out of their nipples, in the form of a thick, rainbow colored syrup. It was weird. 

How does one define “artistic integrity”? Some say it’s the act of creating something because you really believe in it even if it is not likely to get you rich and famous. This interview shows how deep that kind of integrity runs through the blood of Mr. Roush and Mr. Neuse. One one hand, they defend a developer’s right to create any kind of game that they want under the banner of an existing franchise, and on the other hand they cry for certain cash cow games to finally be put to rest. They are advocating for kissing money goodbye in favor of the artist’s vision with both hands. That’s not something you see everyday in this industry. 

We’re live streaming another episode of Sup Holmes? tomorrow at 1pm PST/4pm EST, wwith Brian Provinciano, creator of the upcoming Retro City Rampage. Tune in here on the Dtoid front page and/or to watch the show as it happens, and don’t be shy about getting involved with the show via the chat. If podcasts are more your thing, we’ve got every episode availble in mp3 format, so you can get that while it’s hot. 

See you tomorrow everybody!

About The Author
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Jonathan Holmes
Destructoid Contributor - Jonathan Holmes has been a media star since the Road Rules days, and spends his time covering oddities and indies for Destructoid, with over a decade of industry experience "Where do dreams end and reality begin? Videogames, I suppose."- Gainax, FLCL Vol. 1 "The beach, the trees, even the clouds in the sky... everything is build from little tiny pieces of stuff. Just like in a Gameboy game... a nice tight little world... and all its inhabitants... made out of little building blocks... Why can't these little pixels be the building blocks for love..? For loss... for understanding"- James Kochalka, Reinventing Everything part 1 "I wonder if James Kolchalka has played Mother 3 yet?" Jonathan Holmes
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