Also, a Burger King game trilogy giveaway!
[Mash Tactics airs Monday through Friday at 4p.m. Pacific on Dtoid.TV. Watch King Foom play a variety of games, each day with its own theme. With a heavy focus on community and viewer interaction, you can be as much a part of the show as anything else.]
Be sure to tune into Mash Tactics tonight, as I jump into some totally tubular Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon action. I’ve been drooling in anticipation of this game ever since it was first announced and people thought it was an April fools joke. Thankfully, it’s real, and it’s finally here. Even in the early goings, this honestly feels like two of my favorite games from last year, Far Cry 3, and Double Dragon Neon, had a beautiful love child, that I want to embrace and call my own. Oozing with style, humor, and no shortage of throwbacks to 80’s pop culture, this could very well be an early entry for one of my personal games of the year.
After that radical awesomeness, be sure to stick around for another off the wall episode of The Gentleman’s Club, with hosts Philanthr0py and Spencer Hayes. Tonight’s show will conclude the duos playthrough of the … amazing … trilogy of Burger King games, from the Xbox 360’s early days. After the guys get done ripping through Pocket Bike Racer this evening, the plan is to give all three games away to one “lucky” live viewer. Be sure to catch all the couch co-op craziness, and of course hot video game action, each and every Wednesday night only at Dtoid.TV!
QotD: Do you have any early game of the year picks?