I can’t believe it’s not buttery-smooth sprite animation
When Arc Systems Works created BlazBlue, many assumed that Guilty Gear as we knew it was over. Guilty Gear 2: Overture certainly wasn’t very encouraging. Well surprise surprise, Guilty Gear is back, with series co-creator Daisuke Ishiwatari is at the helm, running on the Unreal engine.
Polygon margarine on Guilty Gear muffin? Say it ain’t so, Ma! Wait a minute, are you sure you put polygons in this? It sure tastes like 2D sprite-based butter to me. There even appear to be traditional frame-by-frame animations, a perfect fit for the kind of lightning fast, easily cancel-able attacks that 2D fighting game fans crave. Could this be the greatest imitation of hand-drawn art every achieved by a group of polygons?
We’ll just have to stay tuned to find out.
Rejoice?! Arc Sys announces Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- [Japanator]