Cave Story port guy says Kojima is ‘terrible’

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You can always count on an indie dev to say something outrageous about the bigger boys, and today the peanut gallery has Nicalis producer Tyrone Rodriquez to thank. The Cave Story port developer has accused Hideo Kojima of being a terrible game maker, claiming Metal Gear is good in spite of him, not because of him. 

“Konami doesn’t make good stuff,” he told IndieGames “He’s terrible at making games. Metal Gear is good in spite of him. I haven’t enjoyed a game of his since maybe the original Metal Gear Solid, maybe.”

His question was in response to Phil Fish’s famous attack on Japanese game developers. Rodriquez wasn’t quite so harsh, praising Demon’s Souls, The World Ends With You, and Final Fantasy XII. However, he said that “anything from Japan is going to suck” in the first-person shooter genre, due to cultural differences.

Indie developers are certainly outspoken, but I’d love to hear more from them outside of, “this sucks.” As a fan of Kojima, I’d sincerely like to know what Rodriquez finds so terrible, just how I’d love Fish to explain what sucks about all of Japan’s recent games. Indie devs pour scorn on many mainstream things … but they never say what’s wrong with them, only that they’re wrong. 

Readers, feel free to help! Do you think Kojima is awful? Tell us why. Of course, you can always tell us why he isn’t.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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