Destructoid forum member snags Pok?mon Pearl early

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Forum member Attix recently posted in this thread stating that he had got himself a copy of Pokémon Pearl for the Nintendo DS a few days prior to its official release. Like clockwork, the standard “Pics or it didn’t happen” quote came next. In a surprising twist, an undeniable photo sprang up showing the case, booklet, and cartridge with said forum thread in the background.

I contacted Attix and got the skinny on exactly where this transaction took place and how he has made children all over the globe green with envy with his stroke of luck.

The long and short of it is that apparently a store in Goose Creek, South Carolina had a few copies of both versions up on their shelves the day they had received them. Keeping calm, he grabbed one of the copies off the shelf, walked to the register, paid, and then proceeded to stroll out of the store having complete knowledge that he just took a figurative dump on its proposed street date. Hurray for retailers who don’t know what they’re doing!

For the rest of us, however, we’re going to have to wait until Sunday or Monday to wade through an ocean of screaming children to pick up our copies. Oh well. 

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