Persona 4 now getting a novel series

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In the years since it hit the PS2, Persona 4 made quite the rounds. There’s been a Persona 4 anime, a Persona 4 manga, a Persona 4 fighting game, and soon a Persona 4  portable remake. Now you can add “novel” to that list, as Atlus have started the presses on a new spin-off Persona light novel series.

It’s called “Persona 4 x Detective Naoto” and stars ace detective Naoto Shirogane, the only member of the original Investigation Team with actual detective experience (and a gun license). Taking place a year after the events of Persona 4 (and six months after the events of Persona 4 Arena, assuming that’s canon), the story will feature Naoto at a new school in a new town, investigating a rash of mysterious disappearances, as well as sporting a haircut that cannot have been grown in just a year. Besides those tidbits and a release window of next Spring, few other details are available. Check out a shot of Naoto’s new design and Kamen Rider-sized motorcycle in the gallery. Forgive the resizing, as the image currently available is at a resolution friendly only to Japanese cellphones.

Now, there’s good reason to be suspicious of most game “tie-in” properties, but at least with this one it’s not going to be yet another retelling of the main story.

Thanks to Jonathan for the tip!

About The Author
Josh Tolentino
Contributor - When not posting about Japanese games or Star Trek, Josh served as Managing Editor for Japanator. Now he mostly writes for Destructoid's buddies at Siliconera, but pops back in on occasion.
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