Saints Row IV still refused classification in Australia

My Aussie buddies still can’t catch a break

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I thought this all got fixed but apparently Australia’s ratings board still has decided to refuse classification for Saints Row IV for the second time. A conveining of a Review Board found that the original ruling by the Classification board from June was correct and that the upcoming title from Volition would still be refused classification.

Shortly after the announcement, a “low-violence” version of Saints Row IV was uncovered on Steam which points to Volition making a different version that would have a better chance of getting through Australia’s rating system. It’s been a similar situation with games like Left 4 Dead 2 in the past but let’s be honest, the violence is Saints Row is cartoonish, silly, and over the top; I have a hard time seeing lots of dildo bat copycat crimes engulfing Australia.

Still, a lower violence version may see the game come to Aussie shores which is better than nothing, I suppose. You know what would make things better? If there was some online service, say Steam or something like that, where you could “gift” an Australian a copy of a game not available in their own country. Maybe said Australian could gift their international buddy a game of the same value as thanks. Hmmmm…..

Saints Row IV refused classification in Australia… again [All Games Beta]

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Alasdair Duncan
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