Operation Rainfall didn’t bring The Last Story to America

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If you’ve devoted your heart and soul to a little letter-writing campaign by the name of Operation Rainfall over the course of the past year would it surprise you that your efforts were for naught and your words fell on deaf ears? Kotaku sat down with XSEED’s Ken Berry last week while in Los Angeles to discuss the release of the forthcoming role-player. When asked what effect the movement had on bringing The Last Story to North America, XSEED’s Director of Publishing revealed that it had nothing to do with it.

Nintendo, they have their own set of rules that they go by. And as for us, it didn’t really affect us either—cause we have our own requirements that we look for on potential titles. And, you know, it just met all [our] prerequisites.

Shortly after picking up a copy of The Last Story while at Tokyo Game Show, Berry shared his new acquisition with the office. XSEED was so enamored with the title that they called Nintendo up and inquired about publishing the game in North America “once it looked pretty certain that it wasn’t coming over.” After a meeting with Mistwalker and Nintendo, XSEED received the green light and, well, the rest is history.

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Kyle MacGregor Burleson
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