Another day, another cool free Mega Man game
I was just playing Mega Man 10 the other day, and it’s even better than I remembered. That Wily Castle really knows how to bring it all together. Still, I can see why many were disappointed with how “same-y” it felt at release. They saw Mega Man and Proto Man together and assumed we’d get co-op. They thought wrong. They saw the exact same “retro” art direction from Mega Man 9, and it didn’t feel retro anymore. Instead, it felt uninspired. Why couldn’t have Capcom given us something a little more new while reveling in looking old?
As seems to be the way of things these days, the fans have stepped up where Capcom has fallen. The long-awaited Mega Man 2.5D finally has a Beta, using themes and characters from Mega Man 3‘s Shadow Man stage for a co-op only, Super Paper Mario-inspired, Mega Man extravaganza. A single player Beta is promised for the near future, so check the official site for updates. There’s also a poll to determine what character we get next. Vote Wood Man if you know what’s good for you.
Mega Man 2.5D [Peter Sjostrand]