The winner of Destructoid’s best of 2013 shooter

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Best of 2013

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Shooters are a big part of the gaming industry with the truckloads of money they bring for game companies. While certain parts of the shooting genre have been getting stale in recent times, it’s pretty great to see some unique titles make it into our nominations this year.

As a reminder, here are our nominees for best shooter of 2013:

And the winner is…

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon was the kick in the ass videogames have been in desperate need of. In an industry filled with so many copycat shooters, especially first-person ones, Blood Dragon erupted on the scene and gave a giant metaphorical middle finger to the stagnation of a genre (also literally as there’s a flip-off button in the game).

Blood Dragon rode on the back of the already stellar Far Cry 3, and created a fun experience that made fun of so many gaming cliches, and at the same was an homage to the cheesy movies of our youth.

Above all else, it showed that Ubisoft was willing to take risks amongst the annualization of the AAA industry. Congrats to Ubisoft for taking the chance and remembering that gaming is all about having fun.

That was our pick for best shooter of 2013. As for our community poll, you all voted for Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon as well. In a close second was BioShock Infinite, followed by Shadow Warrior.

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