Wii U eShop game devs can set their own prices


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Trine developer Frozenbyte has confirmed to IGN that the WiiU’s eShop will not be subject to pricing regulation from Nintendo, meaning games don’t have to adhere to strict monetary tiers as developers enjoy the freedom to charge what they like. 

We have the power to price our products as we please, with just some basic guidelines from the big guys,” beamed marketing manager Mikael Haveri. “The step to this is purely from Nintendos’s side and they clearly see that [their] previous installments have not been up to par. We can set our own pricing and actually continuing on that by setting our own sales whenever we want. It is very close to what Apple and Steam are doing at the moment, and very indie friendly.”

Great news indeed, though I’m sure we can expect the big publishers to continue charging premium prices because, well, they can get away with it. That point aside, it’s great to see Nintendo diving into the world of digital gaming with both feet, and really going out of its way to provide a service that’s friendly to game maker and game buyer alike. Respect due!

Oh, and in equally awesome new, developers can patch games free of charge. Take that, Microsoft!

Check out our full review of the Wii U on Destructoid, why don’t you?

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James Stephanie Sterling
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