Manhunt 2 images and trailer are out

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Love video games, but think they aren’t violent enough? You’ll be happy to know that Rockstar just released some new images and a trailer for Manhunt 2. The trailer basically shows nothing, so check it out at the site really quickly, then come back and check out the images.

Evidently, the entire game takes place in a research facility/insane asylum, and will pretty much follow the same gameplay style as the original (namely, that of sneaking up behind people and killing them in the most violent way imaginable).

If you haven’t heard anything else about the game, do be warned: graphically speaking,  this is not a next-gen title. It’s coming out for the PS2 and the Wii, so make your graphical judgments accordingly. 

Hit the jump for all the new images, plus reactions.

First off, this game’s existence should be permanent “STFU” ammo against any moron who would ever dare accuse the Wii of being “childish” or “kiddie.” You’re going to be strangling and stabbing and choking people on your Wii, and no amount of Mario games will be able to undo that.

Granted, you can do the same stuff in The Godfather: Blackhand Edition, but undoubtedly not with as viscerally or gorily as Manhunt 2 will allow. If the social conservatives ever get ahold of this game, we may experience one of the biggest video game scandals of the past decade. I’m for freedom of speech as much as anyone else, but most people probably couldn’t come up with a moral, logical way to justify this game’s existence on the Wii.

Anyway, screenies (with alt text, if you are so inclined):





Return of the plastic bag, the coolest weapon ever:








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Anthony Burch
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