Continuing developers’ admirable quest to turn every existing franchise and genre into an MMO before 2009 (only World Of Needlecraft and Professional Cheesemaker Online have yet to be annouced I believe, but expect something before the end of the year), Sega Europe and Sports Interactive have announced that one of the longest running series’ in gaming is due to take the plunge next Spring.
Football Manager, or Worldwide Soccer Manager to you American types who insist on getting the name of England’s national game wrong, has been around since the ZX Spectrum original in 1982, and has appeared on every format from the Commodore Amiga and the Xbox 360 since. This next iteration, however, is apparently going to be a major overhaul. From the official site:
“Imagine a cross between Football Manager, fantasy sports and auctions sites and you are part of the way to understanding Football Manager Live” commented Miles Jacobson, Managing Director of Sports Interactive. “It’s great to be able to announce the game, and we can’t wait to see the reaction to the beta when it launches next month.”
All joking aside, the MMO approach makes a lot of sense as a progression for the series. It’s dabbled in online play before with the 16 player league and cup modes on Xbox Live, and the opportunities allowed by a living, breathing worldwide transfer market could really bring the game to life.
And that beta they were mentioning? If this has got you interested, just sign up at the game’s site for an opportunity to register.
[Via CGV]