Podtoid 22: The John Sweeney Angry! Edition

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I’m sure some of you have already heard of the Beeb’s John Sweeney going absolutely s**t-bonkers in the middle of a Scientology exhibit on psychiatry, and how it’s, y’know, an industry (of death). Photos of dead babies and the like scattered about the place, like you’d see in any mental health practitioner’s office. He hit a breaking point and defended his sanity as best he could in a beautiful explosion of journalistic fury. It was awesome.

If you’re wondering what this has to do with Podtoid, well — virtually nothing, except that the John Sweeney fury is the kind of passion that we’ll be bringing to the table. That, and I really, really wanted an excuse to use that graphic. John, you’re my hero. 

So, Podtoid 22! We’re short a few sailors this week while we reestablish our routine, but never fear: you’ve still got a bit of Aaron Linde, a half-cup of Colette Bennett, a pinch of Chris Furniss and a half-gallon Ron Workman to fill your.. uh, podcast pie. Why’d I get saddled with this responsibility? I couldn’t metaphor my way out of a paper bag. Anyways, our own Nick Brutal will also be joining us to bust some heads and keep us in line.

So, how ’bout some questions, then? Fire off them burning missives in the comments, and make us proud. 

About The Author
Aaron Linde
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