I hope The Eldritch Cases: Dagon is Lovecraft done right

Innsmouth, Dr. Herbet West, Dagon… all the ingredients are there

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It’s been quite a while since a game did the Cthulhu mythos, created by HP Lovecraft, really well. Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth was an inspired but uneven game and that came out in 2005. The Eldritch Cases: Dagon might be the title that does justice to the unnerving weirdness of Lovecraft’s work. Developer Thomas Busse is looking to raise £20,000 to fund the game, which is looking promising even at this early stage.

The Eldritch Cases: Dagon is a 3D point-and-click adventure game (hence my interest) that has two protagonists: Detective Thomas Malone and Rose who are both investigating the sinister Dr. Herbert West. Both Rose and Det. Malone are going to travel to the troubled town of Innsmouth in New England, meet the locals and possibly even an Old One itself.

I’ll make no bones about it, I’m a fan of the Cthulhu mythos and adventure games and melding the two together is something I’m going to be really excited to play. 

About The Author
Alasdair Duncan
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