When people feel dedication to a cause, they often display unusual courage, tenacity and the determination to stand against anything they believe is adverse to it. In some situations such allegiance is inspirational, often drawing the support of millions (They blew our sh*t up; stick an American flag on your car!!!). In the case of Sony Protection Group, I’m not sure it’s quite the same type of scenario, although you can’t deny this bunch has courage in some form.
I didn’t quite understand what I was seeing at first, so I referred to the handy “
section located at the top of the page. Hit the jump for a sample of what SPG is all about.[Thanks Gameboi!]
From the site:
“What is the Sony Protection Group?
The Sony Protection Group is a group of Sony fans, who support Sony and the Playstation 3 and are against the Wii60 movement.Check out the about us page for more information About Us
Who founded the Sony Protection Group?
The Sony Protection Group was founded by a guy named “Narutoboy”. He was an active member on the official Playstation message board.SonyProtectionGroup.com
Our main site consists of a blog, which is used for spreading factual information, not lies, fud, or rumors spread by other various websites such as kotaku and wii60.com. We also give the users here the ability to share their content, by allowing them to upload videos and pictures that they’ve made. The forum is the next piece of the website and probably the best part, because it allows all members to come together, share thoughts, and communicate.
How remarkable. I would be interested to hear some topic discussion on matters such as Sony’s highly accessible marketing campaign, reasonable pricing on their new system to include gamers of all kinds, and the inclusion of sure fire hit technology Blu-Ray. Now, before all the Sony haters head out to my house to torch my rosegarden, let me clarify something: The PS2 is one of my favorite systems of all time. I’m not happy to see Sony where they are. If someone could explain any of the above to me in a reasonable way that I could get behind, then I would happily listen. The only fatal flaw here is, most Sony fans don’t want to tell you, they want to carve it into your back with the stabby end of a compass.
I like to see people gather together to support causes, but Sony’s in trouble and I think even some of their most fervent fanboys know it. Losing exclusivity is a nail in a console’s coffin, depending on the titles lost. When Square-Enix says they are considering opening up to other consoles, it rips the possibility away of millions of potential buyers who would have ponied up the greens just to play the next installment of Final Fantasy. It’s difficult to see a company I have followed so closely in this position. It must be kind of like walking in on your mom getting raped in the kitchen.
Bottom line for SPG? It is difficult to defend a crumbling empire. Regardless, there are always millions of people willing to do it. You guys can sit in the forums and talk about how Sony rules until you’re blue in the face and it won’t change the situation. If you want to do something proactive, use the list below to contact Sony to ask that they drop the PS3 price. Maybe it won’t help, but maybe it will. It seems like the only way to save Sony now may be up to us anyway. If they decide to listen in the final rounds, there might be hope that everyone could enjoy their consoles again sometime in the future.
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