Friday Night Fights: Playing games for a good cause

Game with the Dtoid community

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Happy Friday!

Welcome to another edition of Friday Night Fights. Today we’re going to be talking about a serious subject, and a way that you can help. I’m sure you have all seen the videos of people all over the world pouring buckets of ice on their heads, this is to raise money for ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), also known as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease”.  ALS is a debilitating disease and to see the effects it has on a person is shocking, to say the least.

So, what does this have to do with Destructoid and Friday Night Fights? I’m glad you asked, tomorrow (Saturday, August 30th) Shadow (from TF2sdays and Streamtoid) will be live streaming a whole bunch of games in the name of charity on the Streamtoid channel, to help raise money and awareness for ALS.

I’m never all that surprised when I see a fellow Dtoider doing something like this, over the years our community has taken part in numerous charity events to help raise money for various illnesses and causes. This is why I stick around, this is why a lot of us are still here, because we know that we have one of the best communities out there.

If you would like to join Shadow or to donate, the information for his stream is below, as well as a list of games that will be played. A big thanks to Shadow for doing this.

Streamtoid ALS Charity Event*

When: Saturday, August 30th – starting at 6:00 pm EST. Event runs for 24 hours.

Goal: Raise $1,000.00 (and yes, there will be ice bucket challenges)

 Now, let’s get to the reason why you came here in the first place, the games…

Friday Night Fights

New to FNF? Read this! Each week, a bunch of us Dtoiders get together to play videogames online! It’s a 100% community-run event, so feel free to join in or even host something yourself!

The planning for FNF starts in the forums, where community members sign up to host matches and post their pertinent details (game, time, Gamertag, etc.). Then, every Friday, reminder posts go up in the community blogs thanks to a dedicated group of volunteers, and I recap it all here on the front page to give it a bit more exposure.

To join in, simply send a friend request to the match host! If you’d rather host something yourself, sound off in the comments section below!

Tonight’s Streamers:

  • Coming Soon  
    Host: This could be you! (Twitch Channel:
    Time: TBD

Check out the Destructoid Twitch schedule for more info! 

    360 FNF

    Tonight’s Games:

      • Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (Xbox 360)
        Host: Usedtabe (GT: Usedtubby)
        Time: 8 Pacific | 11 Eastern
        *Tubby’s friends list is full, so send a message if you want in on the fun! 

                      Check out the Xbox FNF blog for more info!

                      Playstation FNF

                      Tonight’s Games:

                      • Battlefield 4 (PS4)
                        Host: The Defenestrator (PSN: ThDefenestrator)
                        Time 7 Pacific | 10 Eastern
                      • The Last of Us Remastered (PS4)
                        Host: Clockwork-Zombie (PSN: Clockwork-Zombie)
                        Time 7 Pacific | 10 Eastern
                      • Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition (PS4) 
                        Host: The Defenestrator (PSN: ThDefenestrator)
                        Time 9 Pacific | 12 AM Eastern
                      • Warframe (PS4)
                        Host: Trev (PSN: ElZilcho)
                        Time 9 Pacific | 12 AM Eastern

                                            Check out the PS FNF blog for more info!

                                            PS3 FNF

                                            Tonight’s Games:

                                            • Soul Sacrifice Delta
                                              Host: Trev (PSN: ElZilcho)
                                              Time: 5 Pacific | 8 Eastern

                                            Check out the PS FNF blog for more info!

                                            Wii U FNF

                                            Tonight’s Games:

                                            • Mario Kart 8 (Gotta go fast!) Tournament Number: 1387-8210-8008
                                              Host: Smurfee McGee (NNID: smurfee_mcgee)
                                              Time: 8 Pacific | 11 Eastern

                                            Check out the Nintendo FNF blog for more info!

                                            3DS FNF

                                            Tonight’s Games:

                                            • Easy lover, she’ll get a hold on you believe it. Like no other
                                              Before you know it you’ll be on your knees. She’s an easy lover
                                              Time: She’ll take you heart but you won’t feel it, she’s like no other.

                                              Check out the Nintendo FNF blog for more info!

                                              PC FNF

                                              Tonight’s Games:

                                                • Team Fortress 2 (early game)
                                                  Time 5 Pacific | 8 am Eastern
                                                  • Team Fortress 2 (late game)
                                                    Time 9 Pacific | 12 am Eastern

                                                      Check out the PC FNF blog for more info!

                                                      Weekend Warriors

                                                      Free this weekend? Why not sign up to host something for Weekend Warriors?! It’s like Friday Night Fights all weekend long! Sign up in the comments or Forum thread if you’re interested!


                                                      • Mario Kart 8 – Destructoid Tournament
                                                        Host: Smurfee Mcgee (Tournament Info: 1387-8210-8008)
                                                        Time: Saturday and Sunday (all day/night) Tournament ends Sunday night at 1:00 am EST


                                                        • I’ve never seen you look like this without a reason.
                                                          Host: Another promise fallen through
                                                          Time: Another season passes by you.

                                                        Check out the Weekend Warriors thread for more info!

                                                        About The Author
                                                        More Stories by ChillyBilly