Fake game Friday: Talladega NiGHTS

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If you don’t like this week’s fake game idea, blame Aaron Linde — it was his idea.

I could literally not know less about either of these franchises, suffice it to say that I imagine this fake game would involve (A) a great deal of side scrolling and (B) a great deal of unfunny mugging by Will Ferrell.

Yeah. I said it. I don’t like Will Ferrell movies. Do something about it. And I also haven’t played NiGHTS. Do something about it by way of sending me a Sega Saturn, along with a complimentary copy of said game.

Anyway, if you think you’ve got a better idea and you’d like to see Fronz, our lord and master, do up a Photoshop for it, hit the official thread and lay down your idea. It’s guaranteed to be better than whatever crap Linde thinks up on a drunken summer’s eve.

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Anthony Burch
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