Developed by Dambuster, which is comprised largely of Crytek UK veterans
Homefront: The Revolution, the sequel to 2011’s Red Dawn: The Game, has been delayed into 2016, according to publisher Deep Silver.
Deep Silver acquired the Homefront rights from Crytek in 2014. Crytek acquired the Homefront rights from a defunct THQ in 2013. The Revolution was being developed by Crytek UK — formerly Free Radical (TimeSplitters) — until Crytek’s financial troubles (such as not paying its workers) led the company to flip Homefront and its Crytek UK studio.
Dambuster is Deep Silver’s third internal development studio and of its 126 staff, “the vast majority…are veterans of Crytek UK.”
As to the delay, Deep Silver explained, “We are giving the team every opportunity to turn Homefront: The Revolution into a best-selling title, and have set a 2016 release date to provide them the time they need to achieve this,” which, well, haha.