The Destructoid Show’s Glorious, Bumbling Return

Trial by fire and technical difficulties

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Hey gang! Well, the plan was to do a big proper episode of The Destructoid Show, live, at 3:30 on the dot. However, things didn’t go quite according to plan. After an hour of technical difficulties, we managed to go live. It’s janky, it’s awkward, it’s rough around the edges… but it happened.

We covered, ever so briefly, a few pieces of news. Playstation 4 owners will get some nostalgia-service for Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes with the Deja-Vu mission, featuring a low-res skin of Solid Snake from the original Metal Gear Solid. It would see that there’s a new Fallout in the works, based on this mysterious countdown site, Finally, Sony more obviously teases a new, next gen Uncharted game. 

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Max Scoville
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