Just in time for the holidays
Killer is Dead was a day one purchase for me, though from what I hear from my peers, a lot of consumers didn’t have the confidence to pick it up upon initial release. With the gift giving holidays just around the corner, and all of your “must-have” games already safely in your possession, maybe this is just the kind of game you’d like to own but not pay for.
Tempted to send your mom out to the local strip mall with instructions to ask the man at the counter to sell her one shiny new copy of Killer is Dead to stuff in your stocking? Check out Suda 51’s spoiler-packed favorite moments and see if you’re not convinced, and check out our contest for a signed copy of the game while you’re at it.
#7 Episode 01 The New Executioner
Mondo flirting with Natalia in a bathroom, teamwork among the members of Bryan’s Execution Office, the former executioner Damon… This scene is the true start of the seductive and mysterious story this game has to tell.
#6 Episode 51 Sebastian’s Transformation
Like the Dragon Ball series, this scene completely ignores all concepts of time and space for comedic effect. You might find yourself thinking, “How the hell long is this table?!” or “How long is Mondo going to keep running?!” I also really like that Sebastian speaks with a British accent in the English version as we wanted to give him that little extra bit of authenticity.
#5 Episode 09 The Request from Area 151
This is the funniest/most comical briefing scene in the game. You’ll see proof positive that Bryan stays true to his motto of never refusing any execution requests, no matter who his clients and targets may be. I’ll let you in on a little secret, too – this was inspired by a particular scene from a certain base in a certain sentai (Power Rangers-style) series…
#4 Episode 08 Mondo’s Dream
This is the scene where Mondo’s mother is shown being killed over and over again, and players are given their first clues (via the dinner table) that David is actually Mondo’s brother. Even though the game is rather complicated all the way through, you’ll get some hints in this episode that might help you find answers to some of the mysteries you’ve encountered, such as the scene where Mondo gets his arm cut off and is taken to Bryan’s office.
#3 Episode 12 Battle with David
By hiring and motion-capturing real actors who specialize in staged sword fighting, I tried really hard to make this long action scene as flashy and appealing as possible. Although Killer is Dead is a game full of action, this is the pinnacle in terms of action cinematics.
#2 Episode 07 Hamada-Yama’s Hara-kiri
Hamada-Yama and Mondo both work in the shadows of the world. At the end of their battle, they understand and respect one another, and the final scene where Mondo helps him commit hara-kiri as an executioner is practically overflowing with idealized aesthetics and themes of masculinity.
#1 Episode 12 Dealing the Final Blow to David
After winning his fierce battle against David, Mondo strikes the finishing blow. As Mondo sentences his brother to death, he says, “You talk too much.” This is the scene where it’s clear that Mondo understands everything there is to know about his bloodstained job.
Published: Dec 19, 2013 02:00 pm