Whether you actually love Metroid or you just like to fap to Samus, you’ll dig these brand-new screenshots from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Though, for those severely patience-disabled, it might make it harder to wait the recently-announced extra week’s delay (OH GOD A WHOLE WEEK) until the new August 27th release date.
I imagine the week’s delay is so that they can add the quintessential “Samus gets naked when she’s dead” feature. In next-gen graphics (or whatever Wii’s graphics are). That’s gotta be it. Right? …Oh, just leave me alone, leave me to the twisted, symbiotic embrace of my own romantic imagination.
Speaking of romance, people seriously love their Samus. So in the spirit of anticipation, with the aim of killing an extra week’s time, I have a proposition. Hit the jump…
I propose we compose Samus-devoted Metroid haiku. Let’s see who can do the best one. The winner gets either a fabulous prize, or my undying admiration, whichever one’s better (and guess which that is). If you want, y’know… information, you can go read this fab interview with Retro Studios over at Play. But the for truly enlightened, the tender aesthetes: Five-seven-five, guys, GO! …YEAH!!!
Power Suit, ruby
Or Chozo blood infusion
I want your bounty.
The Luminoth see
Samus and Dark Samus, but
Both at the same time?
Corruption, my dear
Will it finally be time
To hear you speak words?