First Rock Band footage is OMGGODTEHROXORZ! (update)

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Dear God, I’m going to spend $200 on this game, aren’t I?

Gamespot has snagged some of the first footage of Rock Band in action and it plays out like a funeral precession for Activision’s Guitar Hero 3. History has shown us that when it comes to mockin’ out (see what I did there?), a high price point is not an issue. Rock Band is going to own your soul this Fall. Resistance is futile. 

There’s not much more I can say about this that the video doesn’t already say for itself — the drum peripheral kicks major ass, the game appears to contain (I could be wrong, but it sounds good to me!) a studio master of Guns N’ Roses’ “Welcome to the Jungle,” and I just about crapped my pants I’m so excited.

[Thanks to lawl and Matthew for the heads up!]

[Update: the video was removed from Youtube, so you’re probably seeing a pretty black box up there. I’m awaiting comment from Harmonix regarding this video, so stay tuned!]

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Nick Chester
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